
Pikkewyntjies is a preschool in Mooi Uitsig in Betty’s Bay, close to Cape Town, that is supported by African Kombi Tours and its guests. The School is named after the famous penguins from the sanctuary at Stony Point in Betty’s Bay, one of the many things to do and see in Betty’s Bay. Pikkewynties was founded by Sandy Carruthers in September 2007 to provide Early Childhood Development for children from less fortunate homes in Mooi Uitsig, Betty’s Bay, Pringle Bay and Rooi Els.
Sandy noticed a need for pre-primary education in this community that is riddled with poverty and unemployment, because too many children would start primary school at a disadvantage. Primary school classes are big and the children who have no basic preschool background often get left behind, with no foundation to build on. These kids may find learning difficult and they are presented with many obstacles to overcome. In a community where too many kids don’t have even their basic needs met, they need all the help they can get, and not more difficulties piled onto them.
It was for this reason Pikkewyntjies / Penguinkidz was founded. The school started out at the Mooi Uitsig Community Hall, at first for 6 children. In 2009 the Municipality built one class and a kitchen for Pikkewyntjies. The current principal is Zaan Cilliers, who started at Pikkewyntjies / Penguinkidz in 2010. It has since grown to 38 kids between the ages of 2 and 6, and the municipality built a new building that the school currently rents from the council. They have a grassed playground that is maintained by Zaan and a few volunteer workers. Pikkewyntjies / Penguinkidz are affiliated with Child Welfare South Africa, and is largely dependent on donations to cover their rent, electricity and other expenses.
It also became necessary to provide meals when the school staff realized that some kids came to school hungry.The school provides breakfast, a cooked lunch as well as a mid-morning snack for the children, often the only food they get in a day. Some kids live far from school, so transport also became a problem at one point. The National Lottery donated a bus and Pikkewyntjies is tremendously grateful for it. As with the other expenses, the school relies on donations for maintenance and petrol for the vehicle.
The children from this preschool now move on to primary school with the necessary foundation, and they are doing very well. They bring their reports proudly at the end of term to show their first teachers and at the end of the year they bring their diplomas for outstanding work. They are happy, confident, socially well-adjusted children with good manners and aspirations to work hard and live life.
It is the school’s mission to stop the cycle of poverty through education.
Pikkewyntjies is under the auspices of the Kleinmond Child Welfare, which in turn is a branch of C.W.S.A. Registered as a non-profit organization (Act 71 of 1997) 003-390 NPO , FR 08 000 83000.
The school provides preschool education for the children from Rooi-Els, Pringle Bay and Betty’s Bay. Most of the children who graduate from Pikkewyntjies move on to primary School in the nearby town of Kleinmond.
There are currently 38 children in our preschool, being taught by two teachers and an assistant to help in the classrooms. They provide basic education, child care and meals for the children. Their cook can create master chef meals, often out of almost nothing, to keep the tummies full and the brain power running strong!
Volunteers help with administration, gardening and maintenance and the running of the Penguin Kidz Second Hand Shop in Betty’s Bay Village Centre. The shop is the most important contributor in the fund raising efforts, and they rely on donations of goods and stock for the shop, as well as monetary donations from supporters.
Pikkewynties greatest goal is to see happy, well-adjusted children reaching their fullest potential with support and education.
African Kombi Tours and their guests support the Pikkewynties Pre-Primary School with all their power through donations of money, clothes and voluntary work. Our guests and other interested people can inform themselves about the latest developments and needs through us or by receiving a monthly newsletter of Pikkewynties. Often and regularly we visit Pikkewynties, also with our guests who are, for example, traveling with us on a Garden Route Tour or a Cape Town Tour. Donations of clothes and other items will always be gratefully accepted by us and passed on to Pikkewynties. Money donations are collected on a separate African Kombi Tours account, which is free of charge, from where we transfer to Pikkewynties on regular intervals.
For every booked tour with African Kombi Tours 5 Euros (50.00 Rand) will automatically be donated to the Pikkewynties Pre-Primary School in Betty’s Bay.